It is possible to store the project files on either the local machine or over the network, allowing students to access their work on different machines.  By default Stop Motion Pro stores projects onto the drive the application is installed on.  You can change the directory or drive from the File>Settings menu.

All assets for a project are copied into the project directory. This includes files used for Rotoscope, Audio sync and Chroma key.

If the Store projects on a server option is selected the following process occurs:

When a project is opened, project files are copied from the server to the local machine.
When a project is closed, all project files are copied from the local machine back to the server.

This results in the advantages of centralized storage of projects, with no network interaction during the animation process.


The network license editions of Stop Motion Pro are packaged using Microsoft's MSI deployment technology.

This means they can be deployed using Microsoft's Active directory and Group policy technologies. Each user's computer must have a connection to the server when using Stop Motion Pro network license edition.

The site installation process used by Stop Motion Pro is designed to:
•    Give maximum flexibility to the installation requirements
•    Set a home directory for user’s projects
•    Conform to the Stop Motion Pro licensing requirements
•    Automatically backup of a student's projects to the network server